Rangers of Oblivion Wiki


The Staff is one of the six weapons players use in behemoth slaying, and it is also the only magical type weapon on the game (so far). It is very well recieved by the community either for its deadliness in the hands of attack mages on the battlefield, or its immense healing power in the hands of supports. The staff is regularly used by support mages, while attack mages still exist they are far less common to see. The staff is an easy to use weapon and also has the unique feature of aiming shared by only one other weapon (see Longbows). It is one of the easiest weapons to master and is therefore recommended to beginners.

Difficulty Rating:


Basic Attack Combo:

  • Front shot
  • Behind the back shot
  • Side shot
  • Multi-shot


  • Extremely easy to use
  • Ability to aim
  • Semi-fast attack speed
  • Able to attack from a distance


  • Some skills require you to attack with basic attacks to charge energy
  • Shorter range than the longbow
  • Low Damage
  • Long skill charge times


  • Elemental Destruction- A beam of light is released from the staff penetrating any enemies it touches, it lasts for about 4(s)
  • Elemental Dominion- A hailstorm that rains down from the sky onto opponents that lasts for about 1.5(s)
  • Arcane Barrage- Releases rapid-fire magic missiles in quick succession, requires basic attacks dealt to be charged.